Day1 / 24days of Sashiko
This is a preview of Day1 pattern of 24 days of sashiko program. Sign up for the program to get 24days of FREE email lesson into your email box directly! Once you registered, you'll start receiving email immediately. The registration for the program in 2021 is closed!
Welcome to 24 days of sashiko program!
From today, I will post one hitomezashi sashiko pattern for 24 days. This program is carefully designed to learn the fundamental structure of hitomezashi sashiko. So we start with a very basic pattern.
Preparation : Draw the grid
In this program, I will be sharing 24 hitomezashi sashiko patterns, and you need to draw grid lines as a preparation. Because “hitome“ means one stitch in Japanese, and we make one stitch using one square.
All the 24 patterns in this program will be based with this same grid size as the picture. If you are using the dot stenciled sahiko cloth, you can use those dots instead of the grid. ( The dots are based on 5mm grid, so make sure to skip every other dot to use it as 1cm grid.)
Have you already drawn the grid on the fabric? Then let’s get started!
Day1 : Basic pattern-1
The first pattern is Jyuji-sashi. 十字(Jyuji) represents cross in Japanese, so we will stitch crosses in each square. Sometimes, we make stitches on the grid line, but today we will stitch crosses inside the squares.
Stitching order
When stitching Hitomezashi patterns, you should make all the horizontal stitches at first, and then add the vertical stitches. This is the basic and important rule of sashiko. DO NOT stitch each cross one by one.
There are ways to start and end stitching without making knots, but in this program, our aim is to learn the fundamental structure of sashiko and enjoy its simple beauty, so you can just start by making a knot.
Do you think it’s too easy for you? Don’t worry, I’m sure that you’ll be amazed how many different patterns can be created from these simple crosses.
Post your picture to keep yourself motivated
At this moment, about 920 people from all over the world have signed up for this program and learning sashiko together with you. Post your work on Instagram and tag @sashiko.lab and #24daysofsashiko to connect with like-minded people. Posting your sashiko work and seeing others’ works will keep you motivated and you can enjoy this program even more!
This is one of the participants’ post who joined this program last year. How pretty the simpliest pattern can be?!
#Repost @heirami_ Not getting addicted?? Impossible!! I want to show you, what happend yesterday....Don‘t you agree that patchwork and this very simple sashiko pattern work very well together??
What’s next?
Tomorrow, we will add some more stitches on this simple Jyuji-sashi pattern. Then I’ll see you again at this time tomorrow. Happy stitching!